Large bags, including backpacks, duffel bags, and oversized tote bags, are no longer allowed inside our stores.
Only small personal bags, such as handbags, clutches, and small purses (up to 12" x 12" x 6"), will be allowed.
What are the January 2025* Daily Deals?
*Deals may vary by store location. Daily deals may not be combined with other sales or discounts. All deals are while supplies last. Must be 21+. Management retains all rights.
35% Off* Halfpipe
35% Off* Highrise
30% Off* LAX
30% Off* Northern Emeralds
30% Off* Good Tide
25% Off* Nameless
25% Off* Pacific Stone
25% Off* Himalaya
25% Off* Happie
20% Off* Glass House
20% Off* Keef Cola
20% Off* Emerald Sky
30% Off* Xotic Flavorz
30% Off* Kingpen
30% Off* Kingroll
25% Off* Blazy
25% Off* 530 Grower
25% Off* Mr Zips
20% Off* Loud and Clear
20% Off* ABX
20% Off* Farmer and the Felon
20% Off* Nasha
25% Off* Big Tree
35% Off* Halfpipe
35% Off* Highrise
30% Off* Lime
30% Off* Hi
30% Off* Artisan
30% Off* Smokiez
30% Off* Camino
25% Off* Ursa
25% Off* Heavy Hitters
25% Off* Lift Tickets
25% Off* Big Pete’s
20% Off* Eighty East
20% Off* Lumpy’s
4.5g Eighths** 530 Grower (5G) or $50+ Eighths
40% Off* Jeeter
35% Off* Cap City
35% Off* Uncle Arnies
30% Off* TURN
30% Off* Flavorade
30% Off* Wyld
30% Off* Up North
30% Off* CAM
30% Off* Connected and Alien Labs
20% Off* El Blunto
20% Off* Seven Leaves
35% Off* Cap City
30% Off* Crystal Clear
30% Off* Presidential
30% Off* Claybourne
30% Off* DOJA
30% Off* Gelato
30% Off* Fig Farms
30% Off* BLEM
30% Off* Halara
30% Off* Dabwoods
25% Off* Blazy
30% Off* Pacific Stone
30% Off* Mr Zips
20% Off* CAD
50% Off* Halfpipe
30% Off* Crystal Clear
30% Off* Stiiizy
30% Off* Loudpack
30% Off* Fuzzies
30% Off* Sense
30% Off* High Power
30% Off* Kanha
30% Off* Dabwoods
25% Off* 530 Grower (5G)
25% Off* Happie
25% Off* Solis
30% Off* Rove
30% Off* Maven
30% Off* Crystal Clear
30% Off* Lost Farm
30% Off* Lime
30% Off* CLSICS
30% Off* Grizzly Peak
30% Off* Time Machine
25% Off* Nameless
25% Off* Traditional
30% Off* Mr Zips
25% Off* Buddy
25% Off* Papa and Barkley’s
25% Off* Bangers
4.5g Eighths** 530 Grower (5G) or $50+ Eighths
**Only available with the purchase of a 530 eighth or any $50+ eighth.
Shop Online and Pick Up In Store at
Shop Online and Pick Up In Store at